News – 18 October 2023
ActewAGL installs new public EV charging locations in high-density locations of Kingston and Belconnen
ActewAGL, in partnership with Evie Networks has installed additional charging stations in two key ACT locations – southside in Kingston and northside in Belconnen. Located at Kingsborough Village, 10 Parbery Street in Kingston, and Sentinel Apartments, Swanson Court in Belconnen, the new charging stations can simultaneously accomodate up to four electric vehicles with 22kW dual-port chargers.
The EV charging stations have been funded through the ACT Government’s Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Grant Funding Program and contribute to the ACT Government’s commitment to have 180 public EV chargers available in the ACT by 2025.
News – 3 Aug 2023
New EV chargers now available at Amaroo Village Shopping Centre
ActewAGL, in partnership with Evie Networks, has completed the installation of 2x untethered AC chargers at 11 Pioneer Street, Amaroo. The charger services four parking bays in the underground car park at Amaroo Village Shopping Centre, helping EV owners get access to more locations for EV charging. Users at this site can charge their EV via the Evie app.
News – 7 April 2023
Dickson welcomes an accessible EV charger for disability badge holders
ActewAGL is delighted to have completed the installation of a 7kW dual port Schneider EVLink charger at 14 Challis Street, Dickson. The charger services three parking bays, including a parking spot that is accessible for disability badge holders’ use, with the intention of providing electric vehicle owners with disabilities more locations for EV charging. Users at this site can charge their EV via the Evie app.
News – 4 April 2023
Canberra Southern Cross Club installs four rapid EV chargers at its Tuggeranong and Woden locations
To support its EV owning members and guests, Canberra Southern Cross Club has just finished the installation of four new Level 2 chargers at its Tuggeranong and Woden sites. Each location now has two 22kW dual port Schneider EVLink wall-mounted EV chargers with RFID. Users at this site can charge their EV via the Evie app.
News – 15 January 2023
ActewAGL provides nursing staff with EV chargers at Goodwin Aged Care Village in Farrer
Four Ocular 7kW Commercial IQ chargers with Exploren software have been installed at Goodwin Aged Care Village in Farrer. These will enable home care staff to remain charged up to deliver care services to seniors across Canberra and the surrounding regions.
In 2022, ActewAGL and Council on the Ageing (COTA) teamed up to provide home care workers with a free Hyundai IONIQ electric car for the next 12 months. Our installation of the four new chargers is in tandem with a pilot program to support community adoption of electric vehicles.
News – 12 January 2023
ActewAGL keeps Icon Water’s fleet road-ready with EV chargers at its Mitchell depot
Utility company Icon Water can now power up its electrified business fleet onsite thanks to its newly installed EV charging solution.
Designed and installed by ActewAGL Energy Solutions, Icon Water’s charging infrastructure includes two Ocular IQ 22kW chargers with Exploren software. This allows the Icon Water fleet to stay fully charged while lowering its emissions driving around the nation’s capital.
News – 15 December 2022
Queanbeyan gets its first rapid public EV chargers at Hamilton’s Motel
ActewAGL is delighted to have installed Queanbeyan’s first rapid chargers at Hamilton’s Motel. As a result, guests staying at the motel can enjoy complimentary charging at one of its two dual Ocular Tower 22kW chargers for a limited time.
For non-residents, charger usage is priced at $0.40/kWh, minimum $0.60. The Hamilton’s Motel EV chargers can be found on PlugShare and the Exploren app.
News – 15 November 2022
Canberra’s fastest public EV charger arrives at the John McGrath KIA Dealership in Woden
In partnership with EVSE and O’Neill & Brown, ActewAGL has delivered a new public EV charging solution at the John McGrath KIA Dealership in Woden.
The fastest public charger in Canberra, the multiport Ocular 110kW charger is compatible with every EV and can be found on PlugShare and the Exploren app.
Thanks to McGrath KIA supporting the EV transition, visitors to the dealership can experience a lightning-fast charging experience.
News – 19 August 2022
New public charger at Hotel Realm
Evie Networks, in partnership with ActewAGL, has just switched on the first pair of ACT Government funded public EV chargers at the Hotel Realm in Barton. Located opposite Capital Hill, in the centre of Canberra, it is ideal for locals and visitors alike to stop and recharge.
With two 50kW fast chargers, drivers can boost their EV’s driving range by approx. 150 kilometres with just 30 minutes of charging. Powered by 100% renewable energy and priced at 40c per kWh, drivers can access a clean, convenient, and cost-effective charge for their EV.
News – 12 August 2022
ActewAGL, in partnership with Evie Networks, to lead the installation of EV charging stations in the ACT
ActewAGL and Evie Networks are proud to expand and upgrade public charging for EV drivers across the ACT. Together, they are delivering a more extensive and convenient network with the addition of 23 publicly accessible EV charging stations, incorporating 46 charging points across Canberra.
The EV charging network will include several ultra-fast chargers which can get vehicles back on the road in minutes – adding a range of up to 50km with a mere 10-minute charge.
In addition to new charging stations, existing EV charging stations are being upgraded as part of the expansion program.
“With the ACT Government’s proposal to phase out the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2035, ensuring the ACT has a reliable and accessible charging network has never been more important,” said Todd Eagles, Group Manager, Energy Transition Products, ActewAGL.
With Evie Networks, ActewAGL operates the leading EV charging network in the ACT and across parts of NSW. ActewAGL’s EV charging network was established as a pilot in 2016 and has since matured to achieve strong reliability and satisfaction scores, with a key milestone being the technology and infrastructure upgrades that occurred in 2021 following the launch of ActewAGL’s partnership with Evie Networks.
“With ActewAGL, we are committed to building and expanding our open access ultra-fast electric vehicle charging network in the ACT, ensuring a clean, safe, convenient, and dependable service. With our Australian designed and manufactured fast charging stations, drivers spend less time waiting and more time getting to where they need to go,” said Evie Networks CEO Chris Mills.
Are you making the switch to a new electric vehicle? ActewAGL can help you effortlessly find, finance and charge your EV. Discover how ActewAGL can support your transition to sustainable driving today.